Jake Flynn
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Home Is Where The Fart Is

GitHub wallpaper


A Stinkin’ Good Time! Home Is Where the Fart Is was created over 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2019 with a team of six developers including myself. It’s a tragic comedy of errors, wherein our hero, after gorging himself on Taco Bello gordita crunches, finds himself hosting some of his coworkers for a get together at his home. Normally, this is a place of comfort for him, where he can let go without judging eyes, but now he must balance the building gut pressure with his desire to be a good host.

The main mechanic is the Suspicion meter. Once it’s filled, the partygoers who smelt it know who delt it and your life is ruined forever. You can use the left mouse button to expell gas at will, but if you hold in too long, the resulting gas cloud will be very large, so part of the stategy is to find opportunities to release a little bit where it won’t be noticed. Your guests are very eager to talk to you, however, especially about PHP and Zunes, so they will seek you out wherever you are hiding. You can try to direct the smells away using the many fans in the room.

My Role:

  • Guest AI
    • Behavior Trees
    • Needs Based Decision Planning
  • Global Suscpicion Meter

What I Would Change:

Nothing. It’s perfect.